6 Reasons Why Your Vape is Hot and How to Solve
Vapes need to get hot to burn the e-liquid and produce vapour. So what is all this fuss about vape pens getting hot? Well, there is a regular hot, and then there’s just a ‘something is wrong’ kind of hot. If your finger grazes the edge of the vape pen and you feel like you’ve touched a hot pan, then it’s probably too hot.
With that said, in most cases, when your vape gets hot, it’s probably nothing to worry about. But if you feel something is off, it’s worth looking into for the sake of your safety.
Today, we shall review the reasons why vapes get hot and list a couple of solutions to the problems.
Which part is hot, and how hot is it?
The first step to solving the heat problem is figuring out which part is the problem. Usually, it’s a problem with the vape tank or the battery. But since the heat from one spot will conduct to another spot, it’s not always easy to determine the problematic spot. But generally, feel out the vape to pinpoint the hottest spot. If the said spot is too hot for you to rest your finger briefly, then it’s too how and it could be a sign of an underlying problem.
If the problem is with the battery, you’ll need to act fast to prevent an explosion (it rarely happens, but in theory, it’s a possibility).
Hot coils/chain vaping
When you vape, the coils get hot. Usually, the temperatures get up to 3000 C or even higher. Manufacturers design these parts with insulation so you might not feel the heat at such high levels through the casing. But if you are having a problem with a hot vape, the coil is probably the main cause – especially is you are into chain vaping.
By this we mean you vape continuously and for extended periods. This does not give the coil time to cool down, and the temperature gets even higher with every vaping session. Eventually, the heat is bound to make it to the exterior. The heat will be concentrated at the base, and the body of the vape will feel warm as well.
Also, the type of coil you are using can contribute to the problem. For instance, Clapton coils tend to burn hotter than standard coils. The more complex a coil is, the more heat it will generate. And though this might be perfect for heavy smokers looking to blow large volumes of vapour, you need to be careful with their heat potentials.
This is the most common problem and the easiest to fix because it’s not exactly a problem. Just ensure you take 10-minute breaks, and the problem will disappear.
Coil Gunk
At times, gunk accumulates around the coil and prevents it from effectively wicking up e-juice. This usually causes the coil to overheat without producing a lot of vapour. You’ll also get dry puffs because the wick material isn’t soaked in e-juice. If you continue using the vape in this condition, the wick will material will burn.
The fastest way to solve this problem is to buy another vape coil kit. But if you don’t want to, you can try cleaning the coil. Remove the gunk surrounding the coil, and you will be good. Of course, this will not be as successful as a new coil since there is only so much cleaning a coil can achieve. Also, it takes a while before the coil dries and you can use it again.
Why not also read: Step by Step Guide on How to Clean a Vape Tank
Restricted juice flow
Gunk in the coil causes a wicking problem. A similar problem can be caused by other factors too, including restricted e-juice flow. This could be as a result of an aspect of the tank’s design or the thickness of the e-liquid. Generally, VG is more viscous than PG. Therefore, e-liquids with a higher percentage of VG (usually more than 70%), have problems wicking.
On the other hand, some tanks have flow control. With this tech, the path between the wick and tank is closed or constricted, leading to insufficient juice flow.
If your tank has flow control, open it. But if it’s a case of higher VG percentage, you should switch to a sub-ohm tank and continue using the e-liquid or buy a different e-liquid with lower VG percentage.
High wattage/type of coil
If your wattage is too high, or you are using a complex coil tiger coil or a Clapton coil, you might have heat problems. These accessories are to be managed carefully.
Though they have thermodynamics to cool them down, you can also try reducing the wattage. But doing this will increase the delay between firing the battery and producing vapour.
Why not also read: 9 Ways to Stop Your Coil from Burning
If the vapour is too hot, instead of faulting the tank or the vape, you should check the wattage and airflow combination. High wattage gets the coil to be very hot, which in turn produces hot vapour. When you open the airflow, cool air from outside mixes with the vapour to cool it.
If the airflow is restricted, the vapour will be too hot.
Adjust the airflow to let in more cool air to cool the vapour. If you have a secondary mouthpiece with airflow slots, use it to cool the vapour as well. But don’t forget you still have the option of turning down the wattage.
Hot batteries
Most of the time, when your vape is hot, the battery will not be the problem. As such, the above solution will not work. In the rare events where the battery is the problem, you should take quick action. E-Cig Batteries are designed to operate in external temperatures up to 600 C. the insides of the battery can be even hotter when they are being used. As for internal temperatures, the maximum safe temperature is 780C.
So by the time you are noticing the heat from the outside, it means the inside of your vape is even hotter.
When you notice this, you should take some precautions:
- Stop vaping and place your mod away from flammable items
- Disconnect the battery from the vape tank
Unfortunately, there’s no solution for this aside from getting a replacement.
If you are experiencing a hot vape, the above tips will solve your problems.
Note: never push the vape too far. When you notice something is wrong, take immediate action to solve it.